Execution plans

After an SQL statement is sent to a PolarDB-X distributed database to be executed, PolarDB-X parses and optimizes the SQL statement, and then generates an execution plan. The execution plan is generated based on the dependencies among operators. You can obtain the information about how an SQL statement is executed on the database by viewing the execution plan tree. The following sample code provides examples on execution plans:

  • Example 1

    Execute the following SQL statement:

    EXPLAIN select count(*) from lineitem group by L_LINESTATUS;

The following information about the execution plan is returned:

     HashAgg(group="L_LINESTATUS", count(*)="SUM(count(*))")                                                                                                                              
       Exchange(distribution=hash[0], collation=[])                                                                                                                                       
         LogicalView(tables="[000000-000003].lineitem_[00-15]", shardCount=16, sql="SELECT `L_LINESTATUS`, COUNT(*) AS `count(*)` FROM `lineitem` AS `lineitem` GROUP BY `L_LINESTATUS`")

The GROUP BY operation cannot be completed at the storage layer because the content of the GROUP BY clause and the lineitem partition key of the table are inconsistent. In this case, the GROUP BY operation is split into two phases. The partition aggregate operation is pushed down to the storage layer to perform partial aggregation. After the aggregation is performed, the data is pushed to the compute layer. At the compute layer, the data is redistributed and aggregated. Then, the aggregated data is returned to the client.

  • LogicalView: specifies that 16 shards are scanned. Therefore, multiple physical SQL statements are generated and pushed down to the storage layer. Each physical SQL statement contains a GROUP BY clause that is executed to aggregate data at the storage layer.

  • Exchange: aggregates the data that is returned by the LogicalView operator and redistributes the data to downstream operators based on the L_LINESTATUS field.

  • HashAgg: receives multiple sets of input data and aggregates data.

  • Example 2

    Execute the following SQL statement:

    EXPLAIN select * from lineitem, orders where L_ORDERKEY= O_ORDERKEY;

The following information about the execution plan is returned:

   HashJoin(condition="O_ORDERKEY = L_ORDERKEY", type="inner")                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
     Exchange(distribution=hash[0], collation=[])                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
       LogicalView(tables="[000000-000003].lineitem_[00-15]", shardCount=16, sql="SELECT `L_ORDERKEY`, `L_PARTKEY`, `L_SUPPKEY`, `L_LINENUMBER`, `L_QUANTITY`, `L_EXTENDEDPRICE`, `L_DISCOUNT`, `L_TAX`, `L_RETURNFLAG`, `L_LINESTATUS`, `L_SHIPDATE`, `L_COMMITDATE`, `L_RECEIPTDATE`, `L_SHIPINSTRUCT`, `L_SHIPMODE`, `L_COMMENT` FROM `lineitem` AS `lineitem`") 
     Exchange(distribution=hash[0], collation=[])                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
       LogicalView(tables="[000000-000003].orders_[00-15]", shardCount=16, sql="SELECT `O_ORDERKEY`, `O_CUSTKEY`, `O_ORDERSTATUS`, `O_TOTALPRICE`, `O_ORDERDATE`, `O_ORDERPRIORITY`, `O_CLERK`, `O_SHIPPRIORITY`, `O_COMMENT` FROM `orders` AS `orders`")

In this example, the query joins two tables. The partition keys of the two tables are inconsistent. In this case, the join operation is not pushed down to the storage layer to be performed. At the storage layer, both tables are scanned. The join operation is performed at the compute layer.

  • LogicalView: scans data from the tables.

  • Exchange: aggregates data that is returned by the LogicalView operator and redistributes the data to the downstream operators based on the columns on which the join conditions are created.

  • HashJoin: receives data from the two tables and joins the received data by using the HashTable method.

  • Example 3

    Execute the following SQL statement:

    EXPLAIN select * from lineitem, orders where L_LINENUMBER= O_ORDERKEY;

The following information about the execution plan is returned:

  LogicalView(tables="[000000-000003].lineitem_[00-15],orders_[00-15]", shardCount=16, sql="SELECT `lineitem`.`L_ORDERKEY`, `lineitem`.`L_PARTKEY`, `lineitem`.`L_SUPPKEY`, `lineitem`.`L_LINENUMBER`, `lineitem`.`L_QUANTITY`, `lineitem`.`L_EXTENDEDPRICE`, `lineitem`.`L_DISCOUNT`, `lineitem`.`L_TAX`, `lineitem`.`L_RETURNFLAG`, `lineitem`.`L_LINESTATUS`, `lineitem`.`L_SHIPDATE`, `lineitem`.`L_COMMITDATE`, `lineitem`.`L_RECEIPTDATE`, `lineitem`.`L_SHIPINSTRUCT`, `lineitem`.`L_SHIPMODE`, `lineitem`.`L_COMMENT`, `orders`.`O_ORDERKEY`, `orders`.`O_CUSTKEY`, `orders`.`O_ORDERSTATUS`, `orders`.`O_TOTALPRICE`, `orders`.`O_ORDERDATE`, `orders`.`O_ORDERPRIORITY`, `orders`.`O_CLERK`, `orders`.`O_SHIPPRIORITY`, `orders`.`O_COMMENT` FROM `lineitem` AS `lineitem` INNER JOIN `orders` AS `orders` ON (`lineitem`.`L_LINENUMBER` = `orders`.`O_ORDERKEY`)")

In this example, the query joins two tables. The specified partition keys of the two tables are consistent. In this case, the join operation is pushed down to the specified shards at the storage layer to be performed. At the compute layer, the Gather operator is used to compute the data that is returned from the storage layer.

  • Example 4

    Execute the following SQL statement:

    EXPLAIN select * from gsi_dml_unique_multi_index_base where integer_test=1;

The following information about the execution plan is returned:

   Project(pk="pk", integer_test="integer_test", varchar_test="varchar_test", char_test="char_test", blob_test="blob_test", tinyint_test="tinyint_test", tinyint_1bit_test="tinyint_1bit_test", smallint_test="smallint_test", mediumint_test="mediumint_test", bit_test="bit_test", bigint_test="bigint_test", float_test="float_test", double_test="double_test", decimal_test="decimal_test", date_test="date_test", time_test="time_test", datetime_test="datetime_test", timestamp_test="timestamp_test", year_test="year_test", mediumtext_test="mediumtext_test") 
     BKAJoin(condition="pk = pk", type="inner")                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
       IndexScan(tables="DRDS_POLARX1_QATEST_APP_000000_GROUP.gsi_dml_unique_multi_index_index1_a0ol_01", sql="SELECT `pk`, `integer_test`, `varchar_test`, `char_test`, `bit_test`, `bigint_test`, `double_test`, `date_test` FROM `gsi_dml_unique_multi_index_index1` AS `gsi_dml_unique_multi_index_index1` WHERE (`integer_test` = ?)")                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
         LogicalView(tables="[000000-000003].gsi_dml_unique_multi_index_base_[00-15]", shardCount=16, sql="SELECT `pk`, `blob_test`, `tinyint_test`, `tinyint_1bit_test`, `smallint_test`, `mediumint_test`, `float_test`, `decimal_test`, `time_test`, `datetime_test`, `timestamp_test`, `year_test`, `mediumtext_test` FROM `gsi_dml_unique_multi_index_base` AS `gsi_dml_unique_multi_index_base` WHERE ((`integer_test` = ?) AND (`pk` IN (...)))")                                                                                                                 

In this example, the SQL statement contains only a predicate and defines a simple query. The execution plan for the SQL statement shows that the BKAJoin operator is used to join two tables. This is because the gsi_dml_unique_multi_index_base table has a global secondary index that is created on the integer_test column. If a query hits the index, the resource overhead that is consumed to scan for the queried data can be reduced. The index is not a covering index. In this case, the base table is also scanned.

  • IndexScan: scans the gsi_dml_unique_multi_index_index1_a0ol_01 index table based on the integer_test=1 condition.

  • BKAJoin: collects data that is returned by the IndexScan operator and joins the index table and the gsi_dml_unique_multi_index_base base table to scan for data that is not obtained from the index table.

Note In most cases, you can use the EXPLAIN statement to query the execution plan for an SQL statement and view the information about how the statement is executed. For example, you can check whether a global secondary index is hit. For SQL clauses that are pushed down to the storage layer to be executed, you can use the EXPLAIN EXECUTE statement to query the information about the physical SQL statements that are executed at the storage layer. For example, you can check whether the local index of the specified table is hit.

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