This topic describes how to use the MMDD function.


You can use the MMDD function to divide the day in each time value of the shard key of a database shard by 366 to obtain the subscripts for table shards.


  • A shard key must be of the DATE, DATETIME, or TIMESTAMP type.

  • The MMDD function can be used only for table sharding. This function cannot be used for database sharding.

  • When you use the MMDD function to partition data into table shards, make sure that each database shard has no more than 366 table shards. This is because a year cannot have more than 366 days.


Data needs to be partitioned into table shards by day of a year. The subscript of each table shard name indicates a specific day of a year.


Data needs to be first partitioned into database shards based on the ID column. Then, table shards are created based on the days of a year in the values of the create_time column. This way, each day of a year can correspond to a physical table shard. In this case, you can execute the following DDL statement:

create table test_mmdd_tb (    
    id int, 
    name varchar(30) DEFAULT NULL,  
    create_time datetime DEFAULT NULL,
    primary key(id)
dbpartition by HASH(name) 
tbpartition by MMDD(create_time) tbpartitions 366;

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