This topic describes how to execute the SHOW PROCESSLIST and SHOW PHYSICAL_PROCESSLIST statements.


You can execute the following statement to view connections in PolarDB-X and SQL statements that are being executed.

  • Syntax

  • Examples

         ID: 1971050
       USER: admin
         DB: drds_test
    COMMAND: Query
       TIME: 0
       INFO: show processlist
    1 row in set (0.01 sec)

    | Parameter | Description | |---------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ID | The ID of the connection. The value is a number of the LONG data type. | | USER | The username used to establish the connection. | | HOST | The IP address and port number of the host for which the connection is established. | | DB | The name of the database accessed over the connection. | | COMMAND | Valid values:

    • Query: The connection has an SQL statement that is being executed.
    • Sleep: The connection is idle.
    | | TIME | The duration for which the connection is in the current state.
    • If the value of the COMMAND parameter is Query, the TIME parameter indicates how long the SQL statement is executed over the connection.
    • If the value of the COMMAND parameter is Sleep, the TIME parameter indicates how long the connection remains idle.
    | | STATE | This parameter is meaningless and is always empty. | | INFO |
    • If the value of the COMMAND parameter is Query, the INFO parameter indicates the content of the SQL statement that is being executed over the connection.
      **Note** If the statement excludes the FULL keyword, only the first 30 characters of the SQL statement that is being executed are returned. If the statement includes the FULL keyword, only the first 1,000 characters of the SQL statement that is being executed are returned.
    • If the value of the COMMAND parameter is Sleep, the INFO parameter is meaningless and is empty.


You can execute the following statement to view information about all physical SQL statements that are being executed.

  • Syntax


Note If an SQL statement is excessively long, the SQL statement is truncated in the results returned by the SHOW PHYSICAL_PROCESSLIST statement. You can execute the SHOW FULL PHYSICAL_PROCESSLIST statement to query the complete SQL statement.

  • Examples

    *************************** 1. row ***************************
               ID: 0-0-521414
             USER: tddl5
               DB: tddl5_00
          COMMAND: Query
             TIME: 0
            STATE: init
             INFO: show processlist
    *************************** 2. row ***************************
               ID: 0-0-521570
             USER: tddl5
               DB: tddl5_00
          COMMAND: Query
             TIME: 0
            STATE: User sleep
             INFO: /*DRDS / */ select sleep(1000)
    2 rows in set (0.01 sec)


  • The meaning of each column in the returned results is equivalent to that in the result returned by the SHOW PROCESSLIST statement in MySQL. For more information, see SHOW PROCESSLIST syntax.

  • MySQL returns a number in the ID column for a physical connection, but a PolarDB-X instance returns a string in the ID column for a physical connection.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""