Sysbench Test Report

Background Information

Sysbench is an open-source, modular, cross-platform, multi-threaded benchmarking tool that can perform database performance testing in areas like CPU, memory, threads, and I/O.

Benchmark Boot is a one-stop benchmarking platform developed for PolarDB-X, currently supporting benchmarks including Sysbench, TPC-C, and TPC-H, enhancing testing efficiency through a graphical interface.

Test Design

Data Volume for the Test

The sysbench data includes 16 tables, each with a volume of 10 million records.

Test Cases

Sysbench evaluates the performance of PolarDB-X in a centralized standard edition single-table scenario.

Host Resources

Component Name Model Description
OPS Machine ecs.g7.4xlarge For installation and deployment
Data Node (DN) ecs.i4.8xlarge * 3 32c256g + 7TB storage
Unit price: 7452 CNY/month

The centralized standard edition of PolarDB-X only requires deployment of storage nodes DN, without the need for additional compute nodes CN.

Stress Test Machines

Component Name Model Description
Stress Test Machine ecs.hfg7.6xlarge 24c96g

Test Methodology

Step 1: Prepare the Stress Test Machine

Deploy Benchmark-Boot, refer to the documentation: Using Benchmark Boot for Stress Testing

# Download the image
docker pull polardbx/benchmark-boot:latest

# Start the container
docker run -itd --name 'benchmark-boot' --privileged --net=host \
    -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime polardbx/benchmark-boot:latest \

# Verification

For offline deployment, the benchmark-boot image can be downloaded using the OPS machine and then uploaded to a private repository.

Step 2: Prepare the PolarDB-X Instance for Stress Testing

Create a PolarDB-X instance. For detailed operation steps, please refer to: Deploy by PXD

Instance creation parameters:

version: v1
type: polardbx
  name: pxc_test_standard
    image: registry:5000/polardbx-engine-2.0:latest
    replica: 1
      - host_group: [,,]
      mem_limit: 80G

Verify that the instance is connectable. Open Benchmark-Boot, select 'Run Stress Test' -> 'Database Connection' on the left, fill in the database connection information into Benchmark-Boot, and click 'Submit'.


Step 3: Adjust Instance Parameters

The PolarDB-X instance created by default through PXD uses a built-in my.cnf parameter template:

sync_binlog = 1
innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 1

Step 4: Prepare Data for Stress Testing

Launch Benchmark-Boot, select 'Run Stress Test' -> 'Sysbench' -> 'Switch Database' on the left, fill in the database name sbtest_mysql, select MySQL mode.


After submitting, scroll down to the bottom of the page, fill in the parameters for data preparation: 16 tables, table size 10000000, 16 concurrent threads, do not check the 'Uniform Distribution for Single Table' option, click submit and wait for the data preparation task to complete.


Step 5: Execute the Stress Test

Stress Test Scenario Name
Point-Select oltp_point_select
Read-Only oltp_read_only
Read-Write oltp_read_write
Update-Index oltp_update_index
Update-No-Index oltp_update_non_index
Write-Only oltp_write_only

The table contains the names of Sysbench scenarios included in this stress test. The following illustrates the stress testing method using the point-select scenario oltp_point_select as an example.

Launch Benchmark-Boot and verify if the database selected for stress testing is correct. If not, click to switch.


Select Run Stress Test->Sysbench on the left side, then in the Run Sysbench form


Note that other parameters should be in JSON format. You can copy the following settings, and after setting, click Run Stress Test.


View the stress test results by clicking View Real-Time Results, which takes you to the Real-Time Data page for live results.


Once the stress test is complete, record the results.

Return to the stress test page where you can choose to fill in the last test parameters. After making slight changes to the scenario or concurrency, you can continue to test other scenarios.

Test Results

All results below use QPS (Queries Per Second) as the performance metric.

Partition Table Performance

Scenario 50 100 150 200 250 300
oltp_point_select 317151.01 464316.53 485389.86 487124.91 489078.48 487684.83
oltp_read_only 291317.42 401566.17 420416.04 388937.68 382861.20 413884.86
oltp_read_write 156294.12 199195.62 214608.23 228713.64 254317.93 265322.61
oltp_write_only 38574.92 52876.25 59393.07 62235.96 65523.25 66866.19
oltp_update_index 38005.13 51803.68 58119.58 62263.46 63918.22 64203.57
oltp_update_non_index 39712.23 54418.94 64213.46 67319.67 69110.39 70028.34

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    No results matching ""