Enabling Monitoring for Existing Clusters

Monitoring data collection for the PolarDB-X Enterprise Edition is turned off by default and needs to be configured to enable it.

Enabling Monitoring for Existing PolarDB-X Enterprise Edition

This section explains how to enable monitoring for PolarDB-X Enterprise Edition clusters. Execute the following command to create a PolarDBXMonitor object for the PolarDBXCluster you wish to monitor:

kubectl apply -f polardbx-monitor.yaml

The yaml description of polardbx-monitor.yaml is as follows:

apiVersion: polardbx.aliyun.com/v1
kind: PolarDBXMonitor
  name: quick-start-monitor
  clusterName: quick-start
  monitorInterval: 30s
  scrapeTimeout: 10s
  • spec.clusterName: The name of the PolarDB-X cluster to enable monitoring for.
  • spec.monitorInterval: The frequency of monitoring data collection, default is 30s.
  • spec.scrapeTimeout: The timeout for monitoring data collection, default is 10s. Note: The value of scrapeTimeout must be less than monitorInterval.

Enabling Monitoring for Existing PolarDB-X Standard Edition

This section explains how to enable monitoring for PolarDB-X Standard Edition clusters. Execute the following command to configure a ServiceMonitor for your XStore object to enable monitoring:

kubectl apply -f polardbx-s-monitor.yaml

The content of polardbx-s-monitor.yaml is as follows:

apiVersion: monitoring.coreos.com/v1
kind: ServiceMonitor
  # Name of the ServiceMonitor object, you can define it yourself
  name: polardbx-s-monitor
      # Name of the PolarDB-X Standard Edition (XStore) to enable monitoring for
      xstore/name: polardbx-s
      # Metrics service, no need to modify
      xstore/service: metrics
  # The following content uses default configuration and does not need to be modified
    - xstore/name
    - xstore/role
    - port: metrics
      path: /metrics
      interval: 30s
        - sourceLabels: [xstore_name]
          targetLabel: polardbx_name
        - targetLabel: polardbx_role
          replacement: "dn"
          action: replace

Note: In the yaml file above, modify spec.selector.matchLabels.xstore/name and metadata.name to the name of the xstore object you want to enable monitoring for. Other contents do not need to be modified.

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