Parameters for compute node settings

PolarDB-Xuses an architecture in which storage is decoupled from computing. The following table describes common parameters for compute node settings. You can configure specific parameters for the compute nodes of your PolarDB-X instance based on your business requirements.

Parameter Restart required Default value Valid values Description
PLAN_CACHE No FALSE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to enable the plan cache feature.
ENABLE_RECYCLEBIN No FALSE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to enable the recycle bin.
SHOW_TABLES_CACHE No FALSE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to cache the results that are returned by SHOW TABLES statements.
MERGE_CONCURRENT No FALSE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to enable the massively parallel processing (MPP) mode. The value of this parameter determines the degree of parallelism (DOP) of DDL operations and simple queries that are pushed down to the data node layer for execution.
MERGE_UNION No FALSE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to perform union operations to optimize physical SQL statements and whether to serially execute the physical SQL statements that are pushed down to the data node layer. If this parameter is set to TRUE, the system performs union operations to optimize physical SQL statements and serially executes physical SQL statements that are pushed down to the data node layer. Default value: FALSE.
MERGE_UNION_SIZE No -1 [0-10000] Specifies the maximum number of physical SQL statements that the system can merge by performing a union operation. By default, the system automatically calculates the number of physical SQL statements based on the number of available connections in the connection pool.
TABLE_META_CACHE_EXPIRE_TIME No 300 [0-180000] Specifies the validity period of metadata caches.
COLUMN_LABEL_INSENSITIVE No TRUE [FALSE\ TRUE] Specifies whether the names of returned columns are case-sensitive.
RECORD_SQL No TRUE [FALSE\ TRUE] Specifies whether to enable the log audit feature.
SOCKET_TIMEOUT No 900000 [0~3600000] Specifies the timeout period of physical SQL statements.
TRANSACTION_POLICY No TSO [XA\ TSO\ TSO_READONLY] Specifies the transaction policy.
SHARE_READ_VIEW No FALSE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to enable the ReadView feature.
ENABLE_TRX_SINGLE_SHARD_OPTIMIZATION No TRUE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to enable the optimization feature to optimize a single shard for transactions.
GET_TSO_TIMEOUT No 10 [1-1800] Specifies the timeout period of queries for Timestamp Oracle (TSO) timestamps.
MAX_TRX_DURATION No 28800 [1-180000] Specifies the timeout period of transactions that are not committed.
GROUP_CONCURRENT_BLOCK No TRUE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to use the execution policy on database shards when the execution mode is not the MPP mode.
SEQUENTIAL_CONCURRENT_POLICY No FALSE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to use the execution policy to process concurrent requests on a single instance when the execution mode is not the MPP mode.
DML_SKIP_DUPLICATE_CHECK_FOR_PK No TRUE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to skip the check operation for primary key conflicts when DML statements are executed.
DML_SKIP_CRUCIAL_ERR_CHECK No FALSE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether transactions on which the system reports DML errors can be committed when DML statements are executed.
DML_USE_RETURNING No TRUE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to use the RETURNING clause to optimize DML statements.
BROADCAST_DML No FALSE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether data can be written to broadcast tables without executing distributed transactions.
SEQUENCE_STEP No 10000 [1-10000000] Specifies the step size in sequences. Default value: 100,000.
MERGE_DDL_TIMEOUT No 0 [1-10000000] Specifies the timeout period of physical DDL connections. Default value: 0. The default value indicates that connections do not time out.
MERGE_DDL_CONCURRENT No FALSE [FALSE\ TRUE] Specifies whether to execute DDL statements in MPP mode. By default, DDL statements are concurrently executed at the database level.
SLOW_SQL_TIME No 1000 [1-180000] Specifies the threshold value for slow SQL queries.
LOAD_DATA_BATCH_INSERT_SIZE No 1024 [1-180000] Specifies the maximum number of records that the LOAD DATA statement can insert at a time.
LOAD_DATA_CACHE_BUFFER_SIZE No 60 [1-180000] Specifies the maximum size of data that can be cached by using the LOAD DATA statement. Default value: 60 MB. This parameter is used for throttling.
MAX_ALLOWED_PACKET No 16777216 [4194304-33554432] Specifies the maximum size of a packet.
KILL_CLOSE_STREAM No FALSE [FALSE\ TRUE] Specifies whether to close connections between compute nodes and data nodes when the number of records that the system obtains reaches the upper limit.
ALLOW_SIMPLE_SEQUENCE No FALSE [FALSE\ TRUE] Specifies whether simple sequences are allowed.
MAX_PARAMETERIZED_SQL_LOG_LENGTH No 5000 [1-1000000] Specifies the maximum size of a single log that the system can generate for parameterized SQL statements.
FORBID_EXECUTE_DML_ALL No TRUE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to disable the full table deletion feature and the full table update feature.
GROUP_SEQ_CHECK_INTERVAL Yes 60 [1-36000] Specifies the interval at which the system checks inserted values. Unit: seconds.
JOIN_BLOCK_SIZE Yes 300 [1-100000] Specifies the maximum number of values that can be included in the IN condition for a Batched Key Access (BKA) join operation in non-dynamical pruning mode.
LOOKUP_JOIN_MAX_BATCH_SIZE Yes 6400 [1-100000] Specifies the maximum number of values that can be included in the IN condition for a BKA join operation.
LOOKUP_JOIN_MIN_BATCH_SIZE Yes 100 [1-100000] Specifies the minimum number of values that can be included in the IN condition for a BKA join operation.
PURGE_TRANS_INTERVAL Yes 300 [1-180000] Specifies the interval at which the system deletes transaction logs.
PURGE_TRANS_BEFORE Yes 1800 [1-180000] Specifies the period of time for which the system stores transaction logs. The system deletes the transaction logs whose durations exceed the specified period of time.
ENABLE_BACKGROUND_STATISTIC_COLLECTION No TRUE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to enable the statistics collection feature.
GENERAL_DYNAMIC_SPEED_LIMITATION No -1 [-1-10000000] Specifies the limit on the speed at which the system backfills and verifies data. The default value -1 indicates that the speed limit is 10,000 rows per second.
PARALLELISM No -1 [1-1024] Specifies the DOP on a node. By default, the system calculates the value based on the specification of the node.
LOGICAL_DB_TIME_ZONE No SYSTEM [SYSTEM\ ±HH:mm] Specifies the time zone of the database.
MPP_PARALLELISM No -1 [1-1024] Specifies the DOP for the MPP mode. By default, the system calculates the value based on the specifications of the nodes.
DATABASE_PARALLELISM No 0 [0-1024] Specifies the maximum number of SQL statements that can be executed for a single query on a data node. The DOP of scanning operations is calculated based on the value of this parameter.
POLARDBX_PARALLELISM No 0 [0-1024] Specifies the maximum DOP for a single query on a compute node. The default value is equal to the number of CPU cores of the node.
MPP_METRIC_LEVEL No 3 [0\ 1\ 2\ 3] Specifies the level of statistics that the system collects during the process of computing. A higher level indicates a higher granularity of statistics collection.
ENABLE_COMPLEX_DML_CROSS_DB No TRUE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether complex DML statements can be executed across databases.
PER_QUERY_MEMORY_LIMIT Yes -1 [-1-9223372036854775807] Specifies the maximum size of the memory pool for queries. By default, the maximum size of the memory pool for queries is one third the size of the global connection pool.
ENABLE_SPILL No FALSE [FALSE\ TRUE] Specifies whether to flush temporary tables to the disk.
CONN_POOL_MIN_POOL_SIZE No 20 [0-60] Specifies the minimum number of connections to physical database shards.
CONN_POOL_MAX_POOL_SIZE No 60 [1-1600] Specifies the maximum number of connections to physical database shards.
CONN_POOL_MAX_WAIT_THREAD_COUNT No 0 [-1-8192] Specifies the maximum number of pending connections from an Apache Druid database to a single database shard in PolarDB-X.
CONN_POOL_IDLE_TIMEOUT No 30 [1-60] Specifies the validity period of idle physical connections.
CONN_POOL_BLOCK_TIMEOUT No 5000 [1000-60000] Specifies the longest period of time that the system can wait for a connection from the physical connection pool.
CONN_POOL_XPROTO_MAX_POOLED_SESSION_PER_INST No 512 [1-8192] Specifies the maximum number of sessions that can be cached on a single data node. The sessions are established over the proprietary protocol provided by PolarDB-X.
XPROTO_MAX_DN_CONCURRENT No 500 [1-8192] Specifies the maximum number of concurrent requests on a single data node. The requests are sent over the proprietary protocol provided by PolarDB-X.
XPROTO_MAX_DN_WAIT_CONNECTION No 32 [1-8192] Specifies the maximum number of pending requests on a single data node. The requests are sent over the proprietary protocol provided by PolarDB-X.
MERGE_SORT_BUFFER_SIZE No 2048 [1024-81920] Specifies the size of cache that can be used for merge sort at the TableScan layer. Default value: 2 MB.
WORKLOAD_TYPE No [AP\ TP] Specifies the type of query workloads. By default, the system automatically determines a type based on resource costs.
EXECUTOR_MODE No [MPP\ TP_LOCAL\ AP_LOCAL] Specifies the mode in which the system performs queries. By default, the system determines a mode based on the type of the query workload.
ENABLE_MASTER_MPP No FALSE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to enable the MPP mode for the primary instance.
LOOKUP_JOIN_BLOCK_SIZE_PER_SHARD Yes 50 [1-100000] Specifies the maximum number of values that can be included in the IN condition for a BKA join operation on a single shard in dynamical pruning mode.
ENABLE_RUNTIME_FILTER No TRUE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to enable the runtime filter.
FEEDBACK_WORKLOAD_AP_THRESHOLD No FALSE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to enable the HTAP feedback feature for analytical processing (AP) queries.
FEEDBACK_WORKLOAD_TP_THRESHOLD No FALSE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to enable the HTAP feedback feature for transaction processing (TP) queries.
MASTER_READ_WEIGHT No -1 [0-100] Specifies the ratio of queries that can be sent to read-only data nodes. Default value:100.
SHOW_ALL_PARAMS No FALSE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to display all parameters.
FORCE_READ_OUTSIDE_TX No FALSE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to forcibly establish multiple connections to a database shard to process a transaction.
ENABLE_COROUTINE Yes FALSE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to enable the Wisp coroutine feature.
TRUNCATE_TABLE_WITH_GSI No FALSE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether the TRUNCATE statement can be executed on global secondary index (GSI) tables.
DDL_ON_GSI No FALSE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether DDL statements can be executed on GSI tables.
DML_ON_GSI No FALSE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether DML statements can be executed on GSI tables.
ENABLE_HASH_JOIN No TRUE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to allow the system to add hash join operations when the system optimizes execution plans.
ENABLE_BKA_JOIN No TRUE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to allow the system to add BKA join operations when the system optimizes execution plans.
ENABLE_NL_JOIN No TRUE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to allow the system to add nested loop join operations when the system optimizes execution plans.
ENABLE_SEMI_NL_JOIN No TRUE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to allow the system to convert semi join operations to nested loop join operations when the system optimizes execution plans.
ENABLE_SEMI_HASH_JOIN No TRUE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to allow the system to convert semi join operations to hash join operations when the system optimizes execution plans.
ENABLE_SEMI_BKA_JOIN No TRUE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to allow the system to convert semi join operations to BKA join operations when the system optimizes execution plans.
ENABLE_SEMI_SORT_MERGE_JOIN No TRUE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to allow the system to convert semi join operations to merge join operations when the system optimizes execution plans.
ENABLE_MATERIALIZED_SEMI_JOIN No TRUE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to allow the system to convert semi join operations to materialized view join operations when the system optimizes execution plans.
ENABLE_SEMI_JOIN_REORDER No TRUE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to allow the system to use semi join operations to optimize the Cost-Based Optimization (CBO) recorder when the system optimizes execution plans.
ENABLE_HASH_AGG No TRUE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to allow the system to use the HashAgg operator to add a hash aggregation operation when the system optimizes execution plans.
ENABLE_PARTIAL_AGG No TRUE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to allow the system to split the execution of an aggregate function into two phases when the system optimizes execution plans.
ENABLE_SORT_AGG No TRUE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to allow the system to use the SortAgg operator to add a sort aggregation operation when the system optimizes execution plans.
ENABLE_PUSH_PROJECT No TRUE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to allow the system to push down projection operations when the system optimizes execution plans.
ENABLE_PUSH_JOIN No TRUE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to allow the system to push down join operations when the system optimizes execution plans.
ENABLE_PUSH_AGG No TRUE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to allow the system to push down aggregate operations when the system optimizes execution plans.
ENABLE_CBO_PUSH_AGG No TRUE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to allow the system to use aggregate functions to pass through join operations when the system optimizes execution plans.
ENABLE_PUSH_SORT No TRUE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to allow the system to push down sort operations when the system optimizes execution plans.
ENABLE_STATISTIC_FEEDBACK No TRUE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to collect statistical information from correction feedbacks.
ENABLE_CBO_PUSH_JOIN No TRUE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to allow the system to pass through join operations when the system optimizes execution plans.
ENABLE_SORT_JOIN_TRANSPOSE No TRUE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to allow the system to use sort functions to pass through join operations when the system optimizes execution plans.
CHUNK_SIZE No 1024 [1-10240] Specifies the maximum size of data that the executor can compute at a time.
ENABLE_SORT_MERGE_JOIN No TRUE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to prevent the system from using the MergeJoin operator to add merge join operations when the system optimizes execution plans.
ENABLE_BKA_PRUNING No TRUE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to enable the pruning feature for BKA join operations.
ENABLE_SPM No TRUE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to enable the execution plan management feature.
ENABLE_EXPRESSION_VECTORIZATION No TRUE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to enable the expression vectorization feature.
FORCE_DDL_ON_LEGACY_ENGINE No TRUE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to automatically update the DDL engine to the most recent version.
PURE_ASYNC_DDL_MODE No FALSE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to execute DDL statements in asynchronous mode. If this parameter is set to TRUE, the client returns a response when the client receives a DDL request. You can execute a SHOW [FULL] DDL statement to view the status of the DDL request.
DDL_JOB_REQUEST_TIMEOUT No 90000 [1-9223372036854775807] Specifies the timeout period of DDL executions. The default timeout period is 25 days.
LOGICAL_DDL_PARALLELISM No 1 [1-10240] Specifies the DOP of logical DDL statements. If this parameter is set to 1, the system serially executes DDL statements.
ENABLE_BROADCAST_RANDOM_READ No TRUE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to enable random read optimization for broadcast tables.
STORAGE_DELAY_THRESHOLD No 16777216s [0-16777216] Specifies the maximum latency that is allowed when data nodes return data to compute nodes. If a compute node does not receive data from a read-only data node within the specified period of time, the system routes read queries to read-only data nodes based on the policy that is specified by the DELAY_EXECUTION_STRATEGY parameter.
DELAY_EXECUTION_STRATEGY No CONTINUE_TO_SLAVE [CONTINUE_TO_SLAVE \ CHANGE_TO_MASTER \ THROW_EXCEPTION] Specifies the policy based on which you want the system to route read queries when a compute node does not receive data from a read-only data node within the period of time that is specified by the STORAGE_DELAY_THRESHOLD parameter, Valid values: CONTINUE_TO_SLAVE: The system continues to route read queries to the read-only data node that does not return data to the compute node within the specified period of time. CHANGE_TO_MASTER: The system routes read queries to read-only nodes that can return data within the specified period of time. If the latency of all read-only data nodes exceeds the value of the STORAGE_DELAY_THRESHOLD parameter, the system routes read queries to the data nodes of the primary instance. * THROW_EXCEPTION: If the latency of all read-only data nodes exceeds the value of the STORAGE_DELAY_THRESHOLD parameter, the system returns errors when you specify the system to route read queries to the read-only data nodes.
STORAGE_BUSY_THRESHOLD No 100 [0-16777216] Specifies the maximum number of active threads that can be run on a single read-only data node. If an instance contains multiple read-only data nodes and the number of active threads on a read-only data node exceeds the specified threshold value, the system determines that the read-only data node is busy. In this case, the system does not route more read queries to the read-only data node. If all read-only data nodes are busy, the system routes read queries to a random read-only data node.
ENABLE_CONSISTENT_REPLICA_READ No TRUE [TRUE\ FALSE] Specifies whether to enable the consistent read feature. TRUE: The consistent read feature is enabled. The data that the system obtains from read-only data nodes is the most recent data. FALSE: The consistent read feature is disabled. The freshness of the data that the system obtains from read-only data nodes is determined based on the latency of data synchronization between the primary instance and secondary instances.
SUPPORT_INSTANT_ADD_COLUMN No OFF [ON\ OFF] Specifies whether to enable the instant add column feature. You can execute a SET GLOBAL statement to enable this feature.
ENABLE_STATEMENTS_SUMMARY No true [true\ false] Specifies whether to enable the summary feature for SQL statements.
STATEMENTS_SUMMARY_PERCENT No 1 [0-100] Specifies the percentage of SQL statements that are included in a summary.

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