Storage Layer Variables
PolarDB-X embraces a decoupled storage and computation architecture. The variable names and their meanings in the storage layer (DN) are aligned with MySQL. Here, we mainly list the common DN variables that can be configured via the console. For other variables, you can refer to MySQL Variables.
Name | Restart Required | Default Value | Range | Comments |
loose_enable_gts | Yes | 1 | [0|1] | Switch for the global timestamp. |
loose_gts_lease | Yes | 5000 | [0-10000] | Lease time for the global timestamp. |
loose_performance-schema-instrument | No | wait/lock/metadata/sql/mdl=ON | .* | For retrieving MDL lock information during MySQL runtime. |
performance_schema | No | ON | [ON,OFF] | Monitors MySQL server execution details. |
binlog_rows_query_key_content | No | ON | [ON,OFF] | Logs SQL to the binlog. |
loose_polarx_max_allowed_packet | No | 16777216 | (0-2147483648) | Limits the size of data packets sent and received under a private protocol server. |
innodb_buffer_pool_load_at_startup | Yes | ON | [ON|OFF] | Whether to reload the buffer pool after startup. |
bulk_insert_buffer_size | No | 4194304 | [0-4294967295] | Temporary cache size for buffering data during bulk insert operations. |
show_old_temporals | No | OFF | [ON|OFF] | |
ft_query_expansion_limit | Yes | 20 | [0-1000] | Specifies the maximum number of matches for full-text searches using query expansion on MyISAM engine tables. |
innodb_old_blocks_time | No | 1000 | [0-1024] | Time a page must wait after being read into the mid position before it can be moved to the hot end of the LRU list. |
innodb_stats_sample_pages | No | 8 | [1-4294967296] | Controls the precision of statistics collection. |
thread_stack | Yes | 262144 | [131072-18446744073709551615] | Memory size allocated for each thread when a new connection is created in MySQL. |
lc_time_names | No | en_US | [ja_JP|pt_BR|en_US] | Controls the language used to display names and abbreviations of dates and months. |
innodb_thread_concurrency | No | 0 | [0-1000] | Limits the number of concurrent operations. |
default_time_zone | Yes | SYSTEM | [SYSTEM|-12:00| -11:00|-10:00| -9:00|-8:00| -7:00|-6:00| -5:00|-4:00| -3:00|-2:00| -1:00| \+0:00|\+1:00| \+2:00|\+3:00| \+4:00|\+5:00| \+5:30|\+5:45| \+6:00|\+6:30 |\+7:00|\+8:00 |\+9:00|\+10:00| \+11:00|\+12:00| \+13:00] |
Settings for the time zone. |
old_passwords | No | 0 | [0|2] | |
optimizer_search_depth | No | 62 | [0-62] | Controls the recursive depth of the optimizer in multi-table join scenarios. |
innodb_compression_level | No | 6 | [0-9] | |
loose_innodb_log_optimize_ddl | No | OFF | [ON|OFF] | |
max_sort_length | No | 1024 | [4-8388608] | |
slave_pending_jobs_size_max | No | 1073741824 | [1024-18446744073709551615] | |
innodb_online_alter_log_max_size | No | 134217728 | [134217728-2147483647] | |
key_cache_block_size | No | 1024 | [512-16384] | |
mysql_native_password_proxy_users | No | OFF | [ON|OFF] | |
innodb_adaptive_max_sleep_delay | No | 150000 | [1-1000000] | |
innodb_purge_rseg_truncate_frequency | No | 128 | [1-128] | |
query_alloc_block_size | No | 8192 | [1024-16384] | |
innodb_lock_wait_timeout | No | 50 | [1-1073741824] | |
innodb_purge_threads | Yes | 1 | [1-32] | |
innodb_compression_failure_threshold_pct | No | 5 | [0-100] | |
innodb_compression_pad_pct_max | No | 50 | [0-70] | |
binlog_rows_query_log_events | No | ON | [ON|OFF] | |
innodb_stats_persistent_sample_pages | No | 20 | [0-4294967295] | |
innodb_ft_total_cache_size | Yes | 640000000 | [32000000-1600000000] | |
innodb_flush_method | Yes | O_DIRECT | [fsync|O_DSYNC|littlesync|nosync|O_DIRECT|O_DIRECT_NO_FSYNC] | |
eq_range_index_dive_limit | No | 10 | [0-4294967295] | |
loose_max_execution_time | No | 0 | [0-4294967295] | |
loose_optimizer_trace_features | No | greedy_search=on, range_optimizer=on, dynamic_range=on, repeated_subselect=on |
.* | |
rds_reserved_connections | No | 512 | [0-512] | |
connect_timeout | No | 10 | [1-3600] | |
innodb_purge_batch_size | Yes | 300 | [1-5000] | |
div_precision_increment | No | 4 | [0-30] | |
avoid_temporal_upgrade | No | OFF | [ON|OFF] | |
innodb_sync_array_size | Yes | 1 | [1-64] | |
sync_binlog | No | 1 | [0-2147483647] | |
innodb_stats_method | No | nulls_equal | [nulls_equal|nulls_unequal|nulls_ignored] | |
lock_wait_timeout | No | 31536000 | [1-1073741824] | |
net_read_timeout | No | 30 | [1-18446744073709551615] | |
innodb_deadlock_detect | No | ON | [ON|OFF] | |
innodb_write_io_threads | Yes | 4 | [1-64] | |
end_markers_in_json | No | OFF | [ON|OFF] | |
ngram_token_size | Yes | 2 | [0-20] | |
loose_innodb_numa_interleave | Yes | ON | [ON|OFF] | |
max_binlog_stmt_cache_size | No | 18446744073709547520 | [4096-18446744073709547520] | |
innodb_checksum_algorithm | No | crc32 | [innodb|crc32|none|strict_innodb|strict_crc32|strict_none] | |
query_cache_type | Yes | 0 | [0|1|2] | |
innodb_ft_enable_diag_print | No | OFF | [ON|OFF] | |
innodb_ft_enable_stopword | No | ON | [ON|OFF] | |
innodb_io_capacity | No | 20000 | [0-18446744073709551615] | |
slow_launch_time | No | 2 | [1-1024] | |
innodb_table_locks | No | ON | [ON|OFF] | |
innodb_stats_persistent | No | ON | [ON|OFF] | |
tmp_table_size | No | 2097152 | [262144-134217728] | |
disconnect_on_expired_password | Yes | ON | [ON|OFF] | |
default_storage_engine | Yes | InnoDB | [InnoDB|innodb] | |
net_retry_count | No | 10 | [1-4294967295] | |
innodb_ft_cache_size | Yes | 8000000 | [1600000-80000000] | |
binlog_cache_size | No | 2097152 | [4096-16777216] | |
innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct | No | 75 | [0-99] | |
query_cache_limit | No | 1048576 | [1-1048576] | |
innodb_disable_sort_file_cache | No | ON | [ON|OFF] | |
innodb_lru_scan_depth | No | 1024 | [100-18446744073709551615] | |
innodb_ft_result_cache_limit | No | 2000000000 | [1000000-4294967295] | |
long_query_time | No | 1 | [0.03-31536000] | |
interactive_timeout | No | 7200 | [10-86400] | |
innodb_read_io_threads | Yes | 4 | [1-64] | |
transaction_prealloc_size | No | 4096 | [1024-131072] | |
open_files_limit | Yes | 65535 | [1-18446744073709551615] | |
innodb_open_files | Yes | 3000 | [10-4294967295] | |
max_heap_table_size | No | 67108864 | [16384-1844674407370954752] | |
automatic_sp_privileges | No | ON | [ON|OFF] | |
explicit_defaults_for_timestamp | No | OFF | [ON|OFF] | |
ft_max_word_len | Yes | 84 | [10-4294967295] | |
innodb_autoextend_increment | No | 64 | [1-1000] | |
innodb_stats_transient_sample_pages | No | 8 | [1-4294967295] | |
innodb_random_read_ahead | No | OFF | [ON|OFF] | |
session_track_state_change | No | OFF | [ON|OFF] | |
table_open_cache | No | 2000 | [1-524288] | The size of the table file handle cache. |
range_optimizer_max_mem_size | No | 8388608 | [0-18446744073709551615] | |
innodb_status_output | No | OFF | [ON|OFF] | |
innodb_log_compressed_pages | No | OFF | [ON|OFF] | |
slave_net_timeout | No | 60 | [15-300] | |
delay_key_write | No | ON | [ON|OFF|ALL] | |
query_cache_wlock_invalidate | No | OFF | [ON|OFF] | |
max_points_in_geometry | No | 65536 | [3-1048576] | |
max_prepared_stmt_count | No | 16382 | [0-1048576] | |
wait_timeout | No | 86400 | [1-31536000] | |
query_cache_min_res_unit | No | 1024 | [512-18446744073709551608] | Result cache configuration. |
innodb_print_all_deadlocks | No | OFF | [OFF|ON] | |
loose_thread_pool_size | No | 32 | [1-1024] | The number of groups, with a default value of 32. Threads in the thread pool are evenly distributed across several groups for management. |
binlog_stmt_cache_size | No | 32768 | [4096-16777216] | |
transaction_isolation | No | READ-COMMITTED | [READ-UNCOMMITTED|READ-COMMITTED|REPEATABLE-READ|SERIALIZABLE] | Transaction Isolation level strategy. |
innodb_buffer_pool_dump_at_shutdown | No | ON | [ON|OFF] | |
query_prealloc_size | No | 8192 | [8192-1048576] | |
key_cache_age_threshold | No | 300 | [100-4294967295] | |
loose_rds_kill_connections | No | 20 | [0, 18446744073709551615] | |
transaction_alloc_block_size | No | 8192 | [1024-131072] | |
optimizer_trace_limit | No | 1 | [0-4294967295] | |
metadata_locks_cache_size | Yes | 1024 | [1-1048576] | |
optimizer_prune_level | No | 1 | [0|1] | |
innodb_max_purge_lag | No | 0 | [0-4294967295] | |
innodb_buffer_pool_dump_pct | No | 25 | [1-100] | |
innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct_lwm | No | 0 | [0-99] | |
max_sp_recursion_depth | No | 0 | [0-255] | |
innodb_status_output_locks | No | OFF | [ON|OFF] | |
updatable_views_with_limit | No | YES | [YES|NO] | |
binlog_row_image | No | full | [full|minimal] | |
innodb_change_buffer_max_size | No | 25 | [0-50] | |
innodb_optimize_fulltext_only | No | OFF | [ON|OFF] | |
loose_opt_rds_last_error_gtid | No | ON | [ON|OFF] | |
innodb_ft_max_token_size | Yes | 84 | [10-84] | |
innodb_max_undo_log_size | No | 1073741824 | [10485760-18446744073709551615] | |
slave_parallel_type | No | LOGICAL_CLOCK | DATABASE,LOGICAL_CLOCK | |
loose_rds_check_core_file_enabled | No | ON | [ON|OFF] | |
innodb_adaptive_hash_index | No | ON | [ON|OFF] | |
innodb_sync_spin_loops | No | 30 | [0-4294967295] | |
net_write_timeout | No | 60 | [1-18446744073709551615] | |
flush_time | No | 0 | [0-31536000] | |
lower_case_table_names | Yes | 1 | [0|1] | |
sha256_password_proxy_users | No | OFF | [ON|OFF] | |
character_set_filesystem | No | binary | [utf8|latin1|gbk|binary] | |
innodb_flush_sync | No | ON | [ON|OFF] | |
tls_version | Yes | TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2 | [TLSv1,TLSv1.1,TLSv1.2|TLSv1,TLSv1.1] | |
key_cache_division_limit | No | 100 | [1-100] | |
delayed_insert_timeout | No | 300 | [1-3600] | |
preload_buffer_size | No | 32768 | [1024-1073741824] | |
innodb_read_ahead_threshold | No | 56 | [0-1024] | |
loose_optimizer_switch | No | index_merge=on, index_merge_union=on, index_merge_sort_union=on, index_merge_intersection=on, engine_condition_pushdown=on, index_condition_pushdown=on, mrr=on, mrr_cost_based=on, block_nested_loop=on, batched_key_access=off, materialization=on, semijoin=on, loosescan=on, firstmatch=on, subquery_materialization_cost_based=on, use_index_extensions=on |
.* | |
concurrent_insert | No | 1 | [0|1|2] | Concurrent insert feature settings. |
block_encryption_mode | No | "aes-128-ecb" | ["aes-128-ecb"|"aes-192-ecb"|"aes-256-ecb"|"aes-128-cbc"|"aes-192-cbc"|"aes-256-cbc"] | |
slow_query_log | No | ON | [ON|OFF] | Logging slow queries. |
net_buffer_length | No | 16384 | [1024-1048576] | |
query_cache_size | No | 3145728 | [0-104857600] | |
delayed_insert_limit | No | 100 | [1-4294967295] | |
innodb_large_prefix | No | OFF | [ON|OFF] | |
innodb_monitor_disable | No | all | ||
innodb_adaptive_flushing_lwm | No | 10 | [0-70] | |
innodb_log_checksums | No | ON | [ON|OFF] | |
delayed_queue_size | No | 1000 | [1-4294967295] | |
session_track_gtids | No | OFF | [OFF|OWN_GTID|ALL_GTIDS] | |
innodb_thread_sleep_delay | No | 10000 | [0-1000000] | |
loose_rds_set_connection_id_enabled | No | ON | [ON|OFF] | |
innodb_old_blocks_pct | No | 37 | [5-95] | |
innodb_ft_sort_pll_degree | Yes | 2 | [1-16] | |
log_slow_admin_statements | No | OFF | [ON|OFF] | |
innodb_stats_on_metadata | No | OFF | [ON|OFF] | |
stored_program_cache | No | 256 | [16-524288] | |
group_concat_max_len | No | 1024 | [4-1844674407370954752] | |
innodb_sort_buffer_size | Yes | 1048576 | [65536-67108864] | |
innodb_page_cleaners | Yes | 1 | [1-64] | |
innodb_spin_wait_delay | No | 6 | [0-4294967295] | |
myisam_sort_buffer_size | No | 262144 | [262144-16777216] | |
innodb_rollback_segments | No | 128 | [1-128] | |
innodb_commit_concurrency | Yes | 0 | [0-1000] | |
innodb_concurrency_tickets | No | 5000 | [1-4294967295] | |
table_definition_cache | No | 512 | [400-524288] | |
auto_increment_increment | No | 1 | [1-65535] | |
binlog_checksum | Yes | CRC32 | ||
max_seeks_for_key | No | 18446744073709500000 | [1-18446744073709551615] | |
sync_relay_log | No | 1 | [0-2147483647] | |
max_length_for_sort_data | No | 1024 | [0-838860] | |
back_log | Yes | 3000 | [0-65535] | |
max_error_count | No | 64 | [0-65535] | |
innodb_io_capacity_max | No | 40000 | [0-18446744073709551615] | |
innodb_strict_mode | No | OFF | [ON|OFF] | |
binlog_order_commits | Yes | OFF | ||
min_examined_row_limit | No | 0 | [0-4294967295] | |
innodb_ft_min_token_size | Yes | 3 | [0-16] | |
innodb_stats_auto_recalc | No | ON | [ON|OFF] | |
max_connect_errors | No | 100 | [0-4294967295] | |
session_track_schema | No | ON | [ON|OFF] | |
join_buffer_size | No | 262144 | [128-4294967295] | |
innodb_change_buffering | No | all | [none|inserts|deletes|changes|purges|all] | |
optimizer_trace_max_mem_size | No | 16384 | [0-4294967295] | |
innodb_autoinc_lock_mode | Yes | 2 | [0|1|2] | |
innodb_rollback_on_timeout | Yes | OFF | [OFF|ON] | |
loose_opt_rds_enable_show_slave_lag | No | ON | [ON|OFF] | |
max_write_lock_count | No | 102400 | [1-102400] | |
master_verify_checksum | Yes | OFF | ||
innodb_ft_num_word_optimize | No | 2000 | [0-10000] | |
max_join_size | No | 18446744073709551615 | [1-18446744073709551615] | |
loose_validate_password_length | No | 8 | [1-12] | |
log_throttle_queries_not_using_indexes | No | 0 | [0-4294967295] | |
innodb_max_purge_lag_delay | No | 0 | [0-10000000] | |
loose_optimizer_trace | No | enabled=off,one_line=off | .* | |
loose_thread_handling | Yes | one-thread-per-connection | [one-thread-per-connection|pool-of-threads] | |
default_week_format | No | 0 | [0-7] | |
innodb_cmp_per_index_enabled | No | OFF | [ON|OFF] | |
show_compatibility_56 | No | OFF | [ON|OFF] | |
host_cache_size | No | 644 | [0-65535] | Host cache size. |
low_priority_updates | No | 0 | [0|1] | |
auto_increment_offset | No | 1 | [1-65535] | Increment step for auto-Increment columns. |
range_alloc_block_size | No | 4096 | [4096-18446744073709551615] | |
ft_min_word_len | Yes | 4 | [1-3600] | |
sort_buffer_size | No | 262144 | [32768-4294967295] | Buffer size for sorting operations. |
max_allowed_packet | No | 1073741824 | [16384-1073741824] | Maximum packet size accepted by the server. |
thread_cache_size | No | 256 | [0-16384] | Thread cache for execution. |
optimizer_trace_offset | No | -1 | [0-4294967295] | |
character_set_server | Yes | utf8 | [utf8|latin1|gbk|gb18030|utf8mb4] | Character set at the database level. |
innodb_adaptive_flushing | No | ON | [ON|OFF] | Switch for adaptive flushing of dirty pages. |
log_queries_not_using_indexes | No | OFF | [ON|OFF] | Queries not using indexes will not be logged in the slow Log. |
innodb_monitor_enable | No | all | ||
table_open_cache_instances | Yes | 16 | [1-64] | Number of table cache instances. |
innodb_flush_neighbors | No | 1 | [0|1|2] | Controls flushing of neighboring dirty pages along with dirty pages to disk in buffer pool. |
innodb_buffer_pool_instances | Yes | 1 | [1-64] | Size of buffer pool instances. |
innodb_data_file_purge | No | OFF | [ON|OFF] | Enabling asynchronous purge strategy. |
innodb_data_file_purge_all_at_shutdown | No | OFF | [ON|OFF] | Complete cleanup on normal shutdown. |
innodb_data_file_purge_immediate | No | OFF | [ON|OFF] | Unlink data files without cleanup. |
innodb_data_file_purge_interval | No | 100 | [1-1073741824] | Cleanup interval in milliseconds. |
innodb_data_file_purge_max_size | No | 512 | [1-1073741824] | Maximum size for single file cleanup per operation in megabytes. |
hotspot | No | OFF | [ON|OFF] | Switch for hotspot update. |
hotspot_lock_type | No | OFF | [ON|OFF] | Lock type for hotspot update. |