Mathematical functions

The following table describes the mathematical functions that are supported by PolarDB-X.

PolarDB-X supports the following mathematical functions.

Function Description Example
ABS(x) Returns the absolute value of the x argument. Calculate the absolute value of -1. SELECT ABS(-1); Sample response: --1
ACOS(x) Calculates the arccosine of the x argument. The unit of the x argument is in radians. SELECT ACOS(0.25);
ASIN(x) Calculates the arcsine of the x argument. The unit of the x argument is in radians. SELECT ASIN(0.25);
ATAN(x) Calculates the arctangent of the x argument. The unit of the x argument is in radians. SELECT ATAN(2.5);
ATAN2(n, m) Calculates the arctangent of the angle between the ray to the point (n, m) and the positive x-axis. The unit of the angle is in radians. SELECT ATAN2(-0.8, 2);
AVG(expression) Returns the average value of an expression. The expression is a field. Calculate the average value of the Price field in the Products table. SELECT AVG(Price) AS AveragePrice FROM Products;
CEIL(x) Returns the minimum integer that is not less than the x argument. SELECT CEIL(1.5); Sample response: --2
CEILING(x) Returns the minimum integer that is not less than the x argument. SELECT CEILING(1.5); Sample response: --2
COS(x) Calculates the cosine of the x argument. The unit of the x argument is in radians. SELECT COS(2);
COT(x) Calculates the cotangent of the x argument. The unit of the x argument is in radians. SELECT COT(6);
COUNT(expression) Returns the number of records in an expression. The expression is a field or an asterisk (*). Query the number of records in the ProductID field in the Products table. SELECT COUNT(ProductID) AS NumberOfProducts FROM Products;
DEGREES(x) Converts an angle x that is expressed in radians to degrees. SELECT DEGREES(3.1415926535898); Sample response: -- 180.0000000000004
n DIV m Returns the integer portion of the quotient that is obtained by dividing operand n by operand m. Query the integer portion of the quotient that is obtained by dividing 10 by 5. SELECT 10 DIV 5; Sample response: -- 2
EXP(x) Calculates the value of e to the power of x. In the formula, e indicates Euler's number. Calculate the value of e to the power of 3. SELECT EXP(3); Sample response: -- 20.085536923187668
FLOOR(x) Returns the maximum integer that is not greater than the x argument. Query the maximum integer that is not greater than 1.5. SELECT FLOOR(1.5); Sample response: -- 1
GREATEST(expr1, expr2, expr3, ...) Returns the maximum value from a list of values. Query the maximum number from a list of numbers. SELECT GREATEST(3, 12, 34, 8, 25); Sample response: -- 34 Query the maximum string from a list of strings. SELECT GREATEST("Google", "Runoob", "Apple"); Sample response: -- Runoob
LEAST(expr1, expr2, expr3, ...) Returns the minimum value from a list of values. Query the minimum number from a list of numbers. SELECT LEAST(3, 12, 34, 8, 25); Sample response: -- 3 Query the minimum string from a list of strings. SELECT LEAST("Google", "Runoob", "Apple"); Sample response: -- Apple
LN Calculates the natural logarithm of a number. The natural logarithm of a number is its logarithm to the base of the mathematical constant e. Calculate the natural logarithm of 2. SELECT LN(2); Sample response: -- 0.6931471805599453
LOG(x) or LOG(base, x) Returns the natural logarithm of x or the logarithm of x to a specified base. The natural logarithm of a number is its logarithm to the base of the mathematical constant e. If the base argument is specified, the function returns the logarithm of x to the base argument. SELECT LOG(20.085536923188) Sample response: -- 3 SELECT LOG(2, 4); Sample response: -- 2
LOG10(x) Calculates the decimal logarithm of x. SELECT LOG10(100) ; Sample response: -- 2
LOG2(x) Calculates the binary logarithm of x. Calculate the binary logarithm of 6. SELECT LOG2(6); Sample response: -- 2.584962500721156
MAX(expression) Returns the maximum value in an expression. Query the maximum value in the Price field in the Products table. SELECT MAX(Price) AS LargestPrice FROM Products;
MIN(expression) Returns the minimum value in an expression. Query the minimum value in the Price field in the Products table. SELECT MIN(Price) AS MinPrice FROM Products;
MOD(x,y) Calculates the remainder that is obtained by dividing x by y. Calculate the remainder that is obtained by dividing 5 by 2. SELECT MOD(5,2); Sample response: -- 1
PI() Returns the value of pi that is rounded to six decimal places. Sample response: 3.141593. SELECT PI(); Sample response: --3.141593
POW(x,y) Calculates the value of x to the power of y. Calculate 2 to the power of 3. SELECT POW(2,3); Sample response: -- 8
POWER(x,y) Calculates the value of x to the power of y. Calculate 2 to the power of 3. SELECT POWER(2,3); Sample response: -- 8
RADIANS(x) Converts an angle x that is expressed in degrees to radians. Convert 180° to a value in radians. SELECT RADIANS(180); Sample response: -- 3.1415926535898
RAND() Returns a random number from 0 to 1. SELECT RAND(); Sample response: --0.93099315644334
ROUND(x) Rounds the x argument to the nearest integer. SELECT ROUND(1.23456; Sample response: --1
SIGN(x) Returns a number to indicate whether the x argument is 0, negative, or positive. The value -1 is returned if the x argument is negative. The value 0 is returned if the x argument is 0. The value 1 is returned if the x argument is positive. SELECT SIGN(-10); Sample response: -- (-1)
SIN(x) Calculates the sine of the x argument. The unit of the x argument is in radians. SELECT SIN(RADIANS(30)); Sample response: -- 0.5
SQRT(x) Calculates the square root of the x argument. Calculate the square root of 25. SELECT SQRT(25); Sample response: -- 5
SUM(expression) Calculates the sum of the values in an expression. Calculate the sum of the values in the Quantity field in the OrderDetails table. SELECT SUM(Quantity) AS TotalItemsOrdered FROM OrderDetails;
TAN(x) Calculates the tangent of the x argument. The unit of the x argument is in radians. SELECT TAN(1.75); Sample response: -- -5.52037992250933
TRUNCATE(x,y) Truncates the argument x to y decimal places without rounding a decimal value. The ROUND(x) function rounds x to the nearest integer. SELECT TRUNCATE(1.23456,3); Sample response: -- 1.234

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