Information functions

Information functions return dynamic database information. This topic describes the information functions that are supported and unsupported by PolarDB-X.

Supported functions

The following table describes the information functions that are supported by PolarDB-X.

Function Description
CONNECTION_ID() Returns a unique connection ID.
CURRENT_USER(), CURRENT_USER Returns the details of the user who calls the function.
DATABASE() Returns the name of the current database.
LAST_INSERT_ID() Returns a value that is inserted into an auto-increment primary key due to the most recently executed INSERT statement.
SCHEMA() Returns the name of the current database. The SCHEMA() function works in the same manner as the DATABASE() function.
SESSION_USER() Returns the details of the user who calls the function. The SESSION_USER() function works in the same manner as the USER() function.
SYSTEM_USER() Returns the details of the user who calls the function. The SYSTEM_USER() function works in the same manner as the USER() function.
USER() Returns the details of the user who calls the function.
VERSION() Returns the current version of the database.
BENCHMARK() Repeatedly executes an expression.
CHARSET() Returns the name of a character set.
COLLATION() Returns the collation of a string.
FOUND_ROWS() Returns the number of rows in the result set by the last SQL statement.
ROW_COUNT() Returns the number of rows that are affected by the last SQL statement.

Unsupported functions

The following table describes the information functions that are not supported by PolarDB-X. These functions are supported by databases that run the MySQL 5.7 engine.

Function Description
COERCIBILITY() Returns the collation coercibility value of a string argument.

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