Introduction to PolarDB-X Operator

PolarDB-X Operator is a Kubernetes-based PolarDB-X cluster control system, aiming to provide complete lifecycle management capabilities on Kubernetes. PolarDB-X Operator supports installation and deployment of PolarDB-X clusters on private or public Kubernetes clusters.

Limitations and Notes

Operating System and CPU Architecture

PolarDB-X Operator supports deployment on Kubernetes clusters in any environment, and supports component deployment and PolarDB-X database cluster deployment on heterogeneous Kubernetes.

Currently, PolarDB-X Operator and PolarDB-X clusters support the following operating systems and architectures:

Operating System CPU Architecture Recommended Configuration
Linux x86_64 (amd64) 32C128G, >= 500G disk
Linux aarch64 (arm64) 32C128G, >= 500G disk

Note: There are no images for the arm64 architecture and need to be compiled separately.


For disk performance considerations, PolarDB-X Operator uses a path on the local disk of the host machine to store system scripts and storage node data, with the default configuration as /data. PolarDB-X Operator will automatically manage the scripts and data stored in it, please do not delete or modify them at will to avoid problems with the system and PolarDB-X cluster.

If you need to configure a different path, you can refer to the [PolarDB-X Installation and Deployment-Operator Deployment] document to modify the configuration when installing the Operator.


Before deploying a PolarDB-X cluster, you need to install the PolarDB-X Operator system on Kubernetes. With the help of the helm package management tool on Kubernetes, you can quickly complete the system deployment. Refer to the document [PolarDB-X Installation and Deployment-Quick Start] to install the PolarDB-X Operator and deploy a PolarDB-X test cluster on your local or existing Kubernetes cluster.

The Helm package predefined many configurations, if you want to change these configurations, you can refer to [PolarDB-X Installation and Deployment-Operator Deployment] to modify the configuration items to make it better use Kubernetes resources.

Note: For local testing, the cluster in the quick start uses fewer resources. For performance testing, please refer to the operation guide and PolarDBXCluster API document for more standardized deployment.


In order for PolarDB-X to be recognized and managed by Kubernetes, we abstract the PolarDB-X cluster and its operations into multiple custom resources:

  • PolarDBXCluster, which defines and describes the topology, specifications, configurations, and operations of the PolarDB-X cluster
  • XStore, which defines and describes the topology, specifications, configurations, and operations of the data nodes (DN) in the PolarDB-X cluster

You can use the following command to view these resources in the Kubernetes cluster:

kubectl get polardbxcluster,xstore

Refer to [PolarDB-X CRD API] to understand all supported resources and details.

Operation and Maintenance

Just like PolarDB-X clusters on public clouds, PolarDB-X Operator also supports most of the operation and maintenance operations, including deployment, deletion, upgrade, scaling, capacity scaling, and dynamic configuration. You can refer to [Operation Guide] to understand all supported operation and maintenance operations and usage methods.


When operating and maintaining PolarDB-X clusters, you may encounter some problems. The [FAQ] contains common problems and solutions.

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