

本文主要提供数据库 OLTP + OLAP 一体化架构的最佳实践,即 HTAP。主要面对的业务应用范围:

  1. 混合型HTAP数据库需求:如ORACLE数据库改造迁移,新数据库方案选型;

  2. OLTP系统查询慢,存在分析型场景和瓶颈的客户;

  3. 读写分离需求。

PolarDB-X HTAP架构更多信息,请参见HTAP



PolarDB-X优化器会基于代价分析出查询物理扫描行数、CPU、内存、IO、网络等核心资源消耗量,将请求区分为TP与AP负载。当您在集群地址上开启了智能路由,会主动识别SQL的工作负载类型来做路由,比如将识别为AP负载的流量路由给只读实例。您可以通过explain cost指令查看SQL工作负载类型的识别情况。例如以下查询,该查询涉及到物理扫描行数rowcount很小,计算资源(CPU\&Memory)也消耗比较少,所以这个查询被识别为TP负载。

mysql> explain cost  select a.k, count(*) cnt from sbtest1 a, sbtest1 b where a.id = b.k and a.id > 1000 group by k having cnt > 1300 order by cnt limit 5, 10;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |
| TopN(sort="cnt ASC", offset=?2, fetch=?3): rowcount = 1.0, cumulative cost = value = 2.8765038E7, cpu = 37.0, memory = 64.0, io = 3.0, net = 5.75, id = 163602178                                                                                                                 |
|   Filter(condition="cnt > ?1"): rowcount = 1.0, cumulative cost = value = 2.8765026E7, cpu = 26.0, memory = 47.0, io = 3.0, net = 5.75, id = 163602177                                                                                                                            |
|     HashAgg(group="k", cnt="COUNT()"): rowcount = 1.0, cumulative cost = value = 2.8765025E7, cpu = 25.0, memory = 47.0, io = 3.0, net = 5.75, id = 163602171                                                                                                                     |
|       BKAJoin(condition="k = id", type="inner"): rowcount = 1.0, cumulative cost = value = 2.8765012E7, cpu = 12.0, memory = 18.0, io = 3.0, net = 5.75, id = 163602169                                                                                                           |
|         Gather(concurrent=true): rowcount = 1.0, cumulative cost = value = 2.3755003E7, cpu = 3.0, memory = 0.0, io = 1.0, net = 4.75, id = 163602164                                                                                                                             |
|           LogicalView(tables="[000000-000003].sbtest1_[00-15]", shardCount=16, sql="SELECT `id`, `k` FROM `sbtest1` AS `sbtest1` WHERE (`id` > ?)"): rowcount = 1.0, cumulative cost = value = 2.3755002E7, cpu = 2.0, memory = 0.0, io = 1.0, net = 4.75, id = 163601451         |
|         Gather(concurrent=true): rowcount = 1.0, cumulative cost = value = 5003.0, cpu = 3.0, memory = 0.0, io = 1.0, net = 0.0, id = 163602167                                                                                                                                   |
|           LogicalView(tables="[000000-000003].sbtest1_[00-15]", shardCount=16, sql="SELECT `k` FROM `sbtest1` AS `sbtest1` WHERE ((`k` > ?) AND (`k` IN (...)))"): rowcount = 1.0, cumulative cost = value = 5002.0, cpu = 2.0, memory = 0.0, io = 1.0, net = 0.0, id = 163601377 |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |
| WorkloadType: TP                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |

工作负载的识别,对于HTAP路由至关重要。这里也允许您通过HINT WORKLOAD_TYPE指定工作负载。同样以上述查询为例,可以将查询负载强制指定为AP。

mysql> explain cost /*+TDDL:WORKLOAD_TYPE=AP*/ select a.k, count(*) cnt from sbtest1 a, sbtest1 b where a.id = b.k and a.id > 1000 group by k having cnt > 1300 order by cnt limit 5, 10;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           |
| TopN(sort="cnt ASC", offset=?2, fetch=?3): rowcount = 1.0, cumulative cost = value = 2.8765038E7, cpu = 37.0, memory = 64.0, io = 3.0, net = 5.75, id = 163602178                                                                                                                 |
|   Filter(condition="cnt > ?1"): rowcount = 1.0, cumulative cost = value = 2.8765026E7, cpu = 26.0, memory = 47.0, io = 3.0, net = 5.75, id = 163602177                                                                                                                            |
|     HashAgg(group="k", cnt="COUNT()"): rowcount = 1.0, cumulative cost = value = 2.8765025E7, cpu = 25.0, memory = 47.0, io = 3.0, net = 5.75, id = 163602171                                                                                                                     |
|       BKAJoin(condition="k = id", type="inner"): rowcount = 1.0, cumulative cost = value = 2.8765012E7, cpu = 12.0, memory = 18.0, io = 3.0, net = 5.75, id = 163602169                                                                                                           |
|         Gather(concurrent=true): rowcount = 1.0, cumulative cost = value = 2.3755003E7, cpu = 3.0, memory = 0.0, io = 1.0, net = 4.75, id = 163602164                                                                                                                             |
|           LogicalView(tables="[000000-000003].sbtest1_[00-15]", shardCount=16, sql="SELECT `id`, `k` FROM `sbtest1` AS `sbtest1` WHERE (`id` > ?)"): rowcount = 1.0, cumulative cost = value = 2.3755002E7, cpu = 2.0, memory = 0.0, io = 1.0, net = 4.75, id = 163601451         |
|         Gather(concurrent=true): rowcount = 1.0, cumulative cost = value = 5003.0, cpu = 3.0, memory = 0.0, io = 1.0, net = 0.0, id = 163602167                                                                                                                                   |
|           LogicalView(tables="[000000-000003].sbtest1_[00-15]", shardCount=16, sql="SELECT `k` FROM `sbtest1` AS `sbtest1` WHERE ((`k` > ?) AND (`k` IN (...)))"): rowcount = 1.0, cumulative cost = value = 5002.0, cpu = 2.0, memory = 0.0, io = 1.0, net = 0.0, id = 163601377 |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    |
| WorkloadType: AP                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  |                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            |


除了基于代价的智能路由以外,PolarDB-X 也支持基于读写规则的路由。可通过设置读写分离权重参数 MASTER_READ_WEIGHT 实现。MASTER_READ_WEIGHT 默认值为100,可配置值区间[0, 100]。如果配置为Weight=60,意味着占60%的流量会继续在主实例执行,40%的剩余流量会路由到只读实例执行,如果只读实例有多个会进行自动分配。


智能路由规则 规则路由 (MASTER_READ_WEIGHT) 路由结果
开启 以代价的读写分离为主规则路由建议保持默认值为100 事务和写操作流量,全部路由给主实例; 识别为AP的查询流量,全部路由给只读实例; * 识别为TP的查询流量,按照(100-MASTER_READ_WEIGHT)路由给只读实例。
关闭 以规则的读写分离为主规则路由的可选范围:[0-100] 事务和写操作流量,全部路由给主实例; 识别为TP/AP的查询流量,一律按照(100-MASTER_READ_WEIGHT)路由给只读实例。



  • 单机单线程(TP_LOCAL):查询过程中,是单线程计算,TP负载的查询涉及到的扫描行数比较少,往往会采样这种执行模式,比如基于主键的点查。

  • 单机并行(AP_LOCAL):查询过程中,会利用节点的多核资源做并行计算,您在没有购买只读实例的前提下,针对AP负载的查询,往往会采样这种执行模式,一般也称之为Parallel Query模式。

  • 多机并行(MPP):针对AP负载的查询,可以协调只读实例上多个节点的多核做分布式多机并行加速。

为了让您可以准确知道执行模式,我们在原有EXPLAIN指令上,扩展出了EXPLAIN PHYSICAL。例如以下查询,通过指令可以查看到当前查询采样的是MPP模式,此外还可以获取到每个执行片段的并发数。

mysql> explain physical select a.k, count(*) cnt from sbtest1 a, sbtest1 b where a.id = b.k and a.id > 1000 group by k having cnt > 1300 or
der by cnt limit 5, 10;
| PLAN                                                                                                                                                              |
| ExecutorType: MPP                                                                                                                                                 |
| The Query's MaxConcurrentParallelism: 2                                                                                                                           |
| Fragment 1                                                                                                                                                        |
|     Shuffle Output layout: [BIGINT, BIGINT] Output layout: [BIGINT, BIGINT]                                                                                       |
|     Output partitioning: SINGLE [] Parallelism: 1                                                                                                                 |
|     TopN(sort="cnt ASC", offset=?2, fetch=?3)                                                                                                                     |
|   Filter(condition="cnt > ?1")                                                                                                                                    |
|     HashAgg(group="k", cnt="COUNT()")                                                                                                                             |
|       BKAJoin(condition="k = id", type="inner")                                                                                                                   |
|         RemoteSource(sourceFragmentIds=[0], type=RecordType(INTEGER_UNSIGNED id, INTEGER_UNSIGNED k))                                                             |
|         Gather(concurrent=true)                                                                                                                                   |
|           LogicalView(tables="[000000-000003].sbtest1_[00-15]", shardCount=16, sql="SELECT `k` FROM `sbtest1` AS `sbtest1` WHERE ((`k` > ?) AND (`k` IN (...)))") |
| Fragment 0                                                                                                                                                        |
|     Shuffle Output layout: [BIGINT, BIGINT] Output layout: [BIGINT, BIGINT]                                                                                       |
|     Output partitioning: SINGLE [] Parallelism: 1 Splits: 16                                                                                                      |
|     LogicalView(tables="[000000-000003].sbtest1_[00-15]", shardCount=16, sql="SELECT `id`, `k` FROM `sbtest1` AS `sbtest1` WHERE (`id` > ?)")                     |

工作负载和执行模式有一定的耦合关系,AP工作负载会采用多机并行计算。同样的也允许您通过HINT EXECUTOR_MODE指定执行模式。假如主实例空闲资源很多,可以考虑强制设置为单机或者多机并行模式来加速。

mysql> explain physical /*+TDDL:EXECUTOR_MODE=AP_LOCAL*/select a.k, count(*) cnt from sbtest1 a, sbtest1 b where a.id = b.k and a.id > 1000 group by k having cnt > 1300 order by cnt limit 5, 10;                                                                                                                                                     |
| ExecutorMode: AP_LOCAL                                                                                                                                      |
| Fragment 0 dependency: [] parallelism: 4                                                                                                                    |
| BKAJoin(condition="k = id", type="inner")                                                                                                                   |
|   Gather(concurrent=true)                                                                                                                                   |
|     LogicalView(tables="[000000-000003].sbtest1_[00-15]", shardCount=16, sql="SELECT `id`, `k` FROM `sbtest1` AS `sbtest1` WHERE (`id` > ?)")               |
|   Gather(concurrent=true)                                                                                                                                   |
|     LogicalView(tables="[000000-000003].sbtest1_[00-15]", shardCount=16, sql="SELECT `k` FROM `sbtest1` AS `sbtest1` WHERE ((`k` > ?) AND (`k` IN (...)))") |
| Fragment 1 dependency: [] parallelism: 8                                                                                                                    |
| LocalBuffer                                                                                                                                                 |
|   RemoteSource(sourceFragmentIds=[0], type=RecordType(INTEGER_UNSIGNED id, INTEGER_UNSIGNED k, INTEGER_UNSIGNED k0))                                        |
| Fragment 2 dependency: [0, 1] parallelism: 8                                                                                                                |
| Filter(condition="cnt > ?1")                                                                                                                                |
|   HashAgg(group="k", cnt="COUNT()")                                                                                                                         |
|     RemoteSource(sourceFragmentIds=[1], type=RecordType(INTEGER_UNSIGNED id, INTEGER_UNSIGNED k, INTEGER_UNSIGNED k0))                                      |
| Fragment 3 dependency: [0, 1] parallelism: 1                                                                                                                |
| LocalBuffer                                                                                                                                                 |
|   RemoteSource(sourceFragmentIds=[2], type=RecordType(INTEGER_UNSIGNED k, BIGINT cnt))                                                                      |
| Fragment 4 dependency: [2, 3] parallelism: 1                                                                                                                |
| TopN(sort="cnt ASC", offset=?2, fetch=?3)                                                                                                                   |
|   RemoteSource(sourceFragmentIds=[3], type=RecordType(INTEGER_UNSIGNED k, BIGINT cnt))                                                                      |

在多机并行MPP执行模式的并发度是根据物理扫描行数、实例规格和计算所涉及到表的分表数来计算出来的,整体的并行度要考虑高并发场景,所以并行度的计算会偏保守,您可以通过上述EXPLAIN PHYSICAL指令查看并行度。当然也同样支持HINT MPP_PARALLELISM强制指定并行度,

/*+TDDL:EXECUTOR_MODE=MPP MPP_PARALLELISM=8*/select a.k, count(*) cnt from sbtest1 a, sbtest1 b where a.id = b.k and a.id > 1000 group by k having cnt > 1300 order by cnt limit 5, 10;






baseline [Select Statemtnt]


baseline fix sql /*+TDDL:WORKLOAD_TYPE=AP*/ [Select Statemtnt]





results matching ""

    No results matching ""